
杰克逊的大学 offers FREE tuition to senior citizens ages 65 and up!  

This is your opportunity to gain experience in something new, pursue an interest or hobby, or have fun while staying active and engaged in the community. 

  • Health and physical fitness classes to stay in shape  
  • Music and art classes to bring out your creative side 
  • Choose from an academic program to build your knowledge! 

Choose from in-person or online learning options. Covers the cost of tuition only. Any class fees are the responsibility of the student.  


  1. View available course offerings in the online course schedule.
  2. 完成 添加/删除表单.
  3. 上交表格:
    • 面对面 – 杰克逊的大学 中央校区 2111 Emmons Road Jackson, MI 49201
    • U.S. 邮件 – 杰克逊的大学 Att: 招生 2111 Emmons Road Jackson, MI 49201
    • Upload to 安全文件
  4. Once enrolled, complete payment of any fees with Cashier Office.


Any one interested in enrolling at 杰克逊的大学 as a personal interest student may contact: